Shadowrun Wiki

Snakehead (Chinese: 蛇頭, shetou) are a Chinese smuggling and human trafficking organization commonly found throughout Asia. The organization differs from the Triads in that they receive most, if not all, of their income through smuggling and illegal immigration, as well as protection money extorted from illegal immigrants and profits from trading in white slavery. The name is commonly used in the Japanese Imperial State, where the Snakeheads typically ply their trade.

Snakeheads within the JIS occasionally use Starved Wolf (餓狼, garou) gangs, often made up of refugees and illegal immigrants that the Snakehead have smuggled into the country, as muscle and an additional source of revenue. They frequently scuffle with Yakuza groups in the JIS, who wish to control the organization.


This was reprinted and reedited from the JIS Project website with the permission of Fatcat, the website owner.
